Can silicone be scalded with boiling water?

Can silicone be scalded with boiling water?

Can silicone be scalded with boiling water? Of course you can, but the silicone smell can't be used after being scalded with boiling water.

The smell of silicone milk bottles may also be due to the purchase of inferior or counterfeit silicone milk bottles. reusable silicone straws,If sterilizing with hot water doesn't remove the smell, it may be a fake silicone bottle. Better get a new one.

Silicone baby bottles generally have no odor, because real silicone is a colorless, odorless, and non-toxic raw material. No plastic or rubber containers are created, even when storing food or liquids for long periods of time. That smell can stay fresh.

However, if the silicone is stored in an airtight, closed space for a long time, it may smell a little, just like many silicone milk bottles that moms just bought may develop an odor because they are stored for too long.



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